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Legacy of generosity

Legacies of Mama

Mama was an incredibly generous person. She often told me that God had blessed her with so much and in so many ways that she couldn’t help be supportive of others when they were in need. When I think of God’s generosity, my mind goes to John 3:16; By giving his only son, God’s generosity was expressed through his sacrificial giving. Within her neighborhood, people came to share their stories, receive prayer and counsel, share a meal, and ask for financial help. Mama gave consistently until the end of her life. Her legacy is seen in many facets of life (as proven by this blog) and I believe it all sprung from her spirit of generosity.

She always sacrificed what was important to her to help someone else - even when it hurt, even when she did not have enough - which allowed so many people to have a chance at a better life. We know of at least 100 people that were able to go on and attend higher institutions of education because of her desire to help any and everyone that approached her. She truly modeled God’s sacrificial love.

In addition to being sacrificial, it was amazing to me that she did so with joy and enthusiasm. In keeping with Mama’s Godly basis for all she did, I think of the story of the poor widow in Luke 21:1-4

Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she

had to live on.”

Mama was never a widow and we do not know how the lady mentioned by Luke felt about her offering, but we know how Jesus responded. I believe he was enthusiastic. At that time, women were not accorded the respect they deserved yet Jesus always recognized them and, in this case, used them as an example of faithfulness and generosity even when we seem not to have enough for ourselves.

Mama called at least 1 of her children each week to talk to them about helping one more person in need that came to her. She always found it in her heart to care for all of them, to pray for them, and not rest until a solution had been found. She did not give out of an abundance of possessions, time or energy but gave all she had out of the goodness of her heart. She modeled that for her children.

Sacrifice and enthusiasm were two (of the many) hallmarks of Mama’s generosity and now that she has passed on my grieving heart rejoices in the knowledge that she left me with these same qualities. I know that her children have seen God’s favor upon their lives because of her and her burial/celebration of life was a testament to the favor with people that Mama enjoyed. I reflect on all this and choose to be joyful and selfless even when everything in the world pushes us towards holding on to all that we own while trying to acquire even more. I choose to continue to see all those who need my help through the eyes of Christ, like Mama did, and therefore as my brothers and sisters. And that is my charge to all of you that are reading this blog today.

Remember that sacrifice and enthusiasm in generosity go against much of what the the world stands for but through it God fills us with joy, peace and love that comes only from him. Mama, we love and miss you but also promise to keep your candle of generosity burning for the rest of my life.

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David Musitwa
David Musitwa
Mar 09, 2022


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